Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ties that Bind.

I completed this entry, with a tinge of sadness. I'm seldom so honest or transparent with the strangers who read my blog but this is something i have to get off my chest and this is the only platform i know of.

Hanging out with Ness and Wt.

I had real fun catching up with Ness and Wt at some coffee place at Marina and even though the duration was short, we see each other often enough to be constantly updated. Kbox with Ness and Yc thereafter was really fun, pity that the duration was short though. More to come, more to come.

Alright, now for the serious part.

I met up with several people from my Secondary School days more than a month ago. I meet some of them rather often, the rest are on a periodic basis. Still, nothing beats a great chatting session with them and finding out how they are doing. While penning this entry, I was amazed at the number of people from those days whom i'm in touch with. These numbers are a big accomplishment as compared to the meager few from college. Anyway, after all that tea/coffee sessions, i've reached a conclusion. While most people changed for the better, some had simply dug a hole and plunged straight in.

Due to my little available free time as July was a busy month, i did not have the chance to catch up with all of the people intended. I'm sure i'll find the next holidays. =) So now, let's get back to those i successfully met up with.

A few months back, i was really put off by someone whom i thought was a friend but was openly betraying every single friendship he'd forged for a personal benefit. Seriously, you would expect someone with all that education to be brighter but i guess people often succumb to any idea that promises huge monetary returns. Good luck to that. Then again, how much would you go to give the impression you are leading a high life? And how far would you go to attract attention. C'mon, climb out of the hole you dug for yourself. Be yourself, not who you want to be. It's stupid.

Alright, that was something i had to say cos i felt so sorry for these 2 people whom i previously called my friend.

PS: i miss my old hairstyle. *points to photo above*

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